Saturday, 19 August 2017

Mommy's Prince

The day of complete transformation from a girl to a mother. Scared like hell, don't know if excited. Last year in the month of October on 24th I had this little living toy in my hand. He was fragile, delicate and his eyes on me, handling him felt like hell of the task. Most difficult job ever. I was confused, unclear and off balanced.

I always think, all that pain, struggle, ruining what I had; was it worth loosing (Having a kid). Most of the time my balance drops to the NO point. But when I see this little creature smile with a cute little dimple on his only one cheek and eyes says I love you; NO point of the balance vanishes and a BIG YES smile comes as a response on my face. His dimples, the twinkles in his eyes makes me more happy. His wet kisses on my noses, face or forehead communicates that he will always love me. His tiny hands when reaches for my faces and when his arms wrap around my neck I forget the frightful sleepless night I had previous night.

Falling in love with him was not less than a roller-coaster ride. I have been irritated, frustrated, loosing temper frequently, but I am a proud mother of my 10-month little prince Divit. I think, how could I ever live without him, when he will go to the pre-school, school, university and work somewhere. Leaving him even for an hour seems like a lifetime. Obviously, I want him to be a successful and happy person, being a mother somewhere inside me say that I should stop this time like for forever.

When I see myself as a mother, I could not be any less proud of my mother. The respect goes 10 folds up and love to infinity. She is a fine person who raised me and my brother with such an ease. I hope that I could be the same mother. I am sure all the other mothers feel the same and they are equally happy and proud to be mothers.

This post is dedicated to all the mothers and to be mothers.

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